
Controlling system and controlling method of moving device and the moving device
Year of Patent
Patent Number

The mobile device is disclosed. The mobile device, to one side of the shooting unit to shoot a work surface in the interior region in which the drive unit, the mobile unit station for driving the storage unit, the mobile information is stored to the target position for generating a shot image, the interior region calculating a current location of a mobile device according to the characteristics of the light-emitting device incorporated in a recorded image of the plurality of light emitting devices that are distributed and includes a control unit for controlling the driving unit to move the mobile device to the target position from the current position , each of the plurality of light emitting devices comprises at least one of the spherical light emitting body, the control unit analyzes at least one of a number, a color, a driving frequency of the spherical light emitting body comprises a light emitting device included in the photographed image and calculates a current location. 

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