
Radioscopic system
Year of Patent
Patent Number

Fluoroscopic system includes a frame, a radiation generator and radiation receiving unit, a photographing unit, a central processing unit and a display unit. Frame has a shape of a part ring-shaped or ring. A radiation generating unit comprises first and second radiation generator for each survey a first and a second radiation toward a first and a second surface of the treatment object. The radiation receiver comprises a first and a second radiation receiver for receiving radiation generated by each of the first and second radiation generator. Recording portion comprises a first and a second up camera for recording respective first and second surface of the treatment object. The central processing unit includes first and second generating perspective image, a first of the second photographed image and a second perspective taken from the first enhanced image and the second up camera combines the photographed image and the first perspective image taken from the first up camera to produce a second enhanced image that combines an image. Displaying a display part the first and second enhanced image. In this way, the doctor can more accurately treatment procedure object using the generated enhanced images. 

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